Altair for timeseries
I stumbled apon a neat technique to visualise timseries better using Altair. Let's take this starting point as an example:
import numpy as np
import polars as pl
from datetime import date
import altair as alt
df = pl.DataFrame(
pl.date_range(date(2020,1,1), date(2025, 1, 1), eager=True).alias("date")
pltr = df.with_columns(value=np.random.normal(0, 1, df.shape[0]).cumsum())
alt.Chart(pltr).mark_line().encode(x="date", y="value").interactive()
This is what the result will look like:
It's not bad, but try zooming in. When you do that you zoom both the x and y-axis. This is not what you want when you are dealing with timeseries. But, because altair has a nice API, you can also do this:
The only difference here is that we're setting bind_y=False
. This will make it so that when you zoom in, you only zoom on the x-axis. Try it out below:
So much nicer!