Claude knows my style

I was looking at some articles that got generated on the daily bin and I was wondering how hard it might be to have them written in another style. So I figured I might try and ask Claude if they could be rewritten in my own style. LLMs, after all, seem to know who I am. So maybe they understand my style?

CleanShot 2025-03-23 at 22.49.42@2x.png
My claim to LLM fame.

The results were ... interesting. Below are the responses from Claude when I prompted it to rewrite an article "in the style of Vincent D. Warmerdam". Notice an interesting pattern?

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Example 1
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Example 2
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Example 3

If you've seen my videos you might guess where this comes from, I really like to whiteboard while I am explaining.

Here's one such example:

So I guess that suggests that Claude has been training on videos? If so, I wonder which ones. Did it scrape YouTube? Or did it train on the videos that I made for calmcode?

It's impossibly hard to say for sure from where I am sitting, but I did think it was super cute to see the LLM try to mimic my whiteboarding style (in writing!) when prompting it to be more like me.